Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Latest

So it has been a while since I have posted. Time = 0. We'll start with some errata. Once upon a time I misspoke I stated that Work is force "Cross" distance. Its not, its force "DOT" distance. This is good though, it means I don't need to figure out faith vectors o.O (for those not versed in computer speak o.O is an emoticon--icon denoting emotions, for massive headache/confusion.) Anyrate because faith is a dot product rather than a cross product it means to be truly universal all that is required is addition of other terms phew that's easy "and add unto your faith ... and unto this add... and this... and this..." ITs a quote in one of them gospelly things somewheres. Also we have concluded that faith probably is a function and its evaluation is likely to involve n dimmensions, but more of that eventually...

But, now for the fun stuff. It is true. I did get married! It was wonderful!! On 08/08/08 in the salt lake temple I wed myself to one Charla Rose Mosier (now Boom). For our reception she was in a vibrant flaming red dress, myself full scout dress uniform. The main course 1.1 whopping butload of delicious heaven sent pizza, the guest book=quilt squares. THE party favor, magic 8 balls--hey what else did you expect we got married on 8-8-8 so we got 3 8 balls (we have since come to realize 1 is good 1 evil and 1 neutral and sometimes they secretly switch roles!) After this we went to Switzerland (Zermatt,UT) florence (OR), Paris& Moscow(ID), and George-Washington. Those were all places we saw, but the really cool places were Bowman Lake Montana--Beautiful, seculded and ripe with bald eagles, well, at least one. Oh and did we mention an hour by winding gravel dirt roads. I forgot to mention 1 thing, my wife and=/= sissies. We spent most of our 10 day honeymoon camping, and our wedding day--raining. It was awesome! More happened, but I have a romantic dinner to get to. Chiao!


Ki said...

He lives! The blog lives!

There is hope for Punsville.

ma~ said...

I wonder if the blog will in fact eventually come back to life or if married life will more or less eliminate it.

Charla the Great said...

I hope married life doesn't eliminate it. It's a cool blog.