Thursday, January 03, 2008

Return of the Mad-ematician Philosophizer

Equations of the Universe Part IV

When we left I had issued myself a challenge, to explore what unique mysteries could be unearthed in my equations. As a refresger, the equation we came up with last time was that S=F(G)F(S)*E*dK*T(L)/(C^2*T(E)). Where S is salvation. F(G)F(S) is a term representing our total faith, faith in God and Faith in the Son. There are some questions as to the exact nature of this term, but for now we shall leave it as either two separate terms F(S)F(G) or simply write it as one term F. E is the energy we devote to others in our thoughts, and deeds. The term dK is a measure of the things that we have overcome in life. T(L)/T(E) is the ratio of how long we live over how long we could have lived if we had followed God's plan. C^2 is the speed of light squared--a constant, albeit a very large one. Terms in hand, let us now continue our explorations of the subject at hand. We will start with a quote. A quote from the Bible itself.

"Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thous shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandmaents hang all the law and the prophets"(Matthew 22:36-40). Step one Love God with all you've got. In other words maximize F(G) and ergo you cannot love the Father and not love the son. They share the same purpose. Thus F(S)is also maximized. Regardless if F(G) and F(S) are two separate terms or one intwined term, loving God with all of your heart mind and soul is fairly well going to maximize the term. Step two, love thy neighbor as thyself e.g. you must a. love yourself, and b. love your neighbor. If you are doing this you will maximize E and dk. For the energy you devote to others is a sign of how much you love them. The energy you devote to yourself in overcoming obstacles and making your life better (dK) is evidence of a love for self. Moreover, if you love God, and yourself, it seems unlikely you will prematurely cut your life short, thus if we assume T(L)=T(E) salvation is maximized.

But there is another caveat, "on this the other commandments and profits hang". This implies that the other commandments are but special cases of this equation and should derive from it. We'll start with Exodus 20:2-7 "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. No Graven images, and no using my name in vain either" It would appear that God doesn't want us to have a suboptimal F(G)F(S) term. Continuing in Exodus we read, "Six Days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath..." If all of our time were devoted to God, and none to anyone else our Faith term will be maximized, but the energy term devoted to others will be 0. 0 times anything profits us nothing because didn't serve anyone else. By the same argument, if we do not have time for ourselves we cannot change dK and we end up with the same result. So, the way to have the greatest T(L), the time we have lived is to Keep god in our mind's, but to keep 6 days for ourselves and others and to devote 1 day solely to God. This means that 6Edk=F(G) and since we earlier postulated that F(G) might =C. IF this were true we could then solve for how much energy we must devote to our selves and others. But at this point an important distinction must be made F(G) is only our faith in God, and if our faith is at least equal in magnitude to that of light then we can attain salvation, but there is nothing that says it must only be equal to light. I was wrong earlier. God is not light, but created light. God is more than light. And our faith in God is not the same thing as the power of God for God is infinite, though his manifestations of his powers may be tied in to our faith in Him. If faith were allowed to be infinite instead of a fixed constant as I suspected earlier and if we also postulate backed by our equations that God's plan for us is inversely proportionate to our faith, this would explain why so many scientific discoveries quite often happen so close to each other. It would also explain why there could be only one Christ. If Christ had infinite faith this means God can assign to him infinite responsibility and have no need for a back up plan, because the probability of failure limits to zero. Whereas, us mortals have a certain faith and therefore a certain probability of following God therefore necessitating a backup plan should we choose not to follow God's will hence why so many stories sound similar, why so many inventions come about at the same time, and why so often multiple people will make the same revolutionary scientific discoveries around the same time. So we cannot say that 6EdK=C or even C^2 because F(G) and F(S) are not bounded as I had thought earlier. At the point where our actions and energies do = C^2 it implies that salvation will be light in all directions, we will be surrounded by light and yet aparently are works and energies can achieve a greatness even higher than that!

(A brief diversion if you will but allow, Why is it that we should pay tithing? Let us consider the metaphor that our talents are as the ancient parable suggests rather like money. God gave us an initial set of talents this initial investment was his principle. Now we may as we choose spend our principle. We may spend it on our selves, or we may spend our talents for the betterment of others. If we do nothing with what we are given that is when bad things happen. However, even the greatest savings account, the one of us with all of the talent in the world, if none is reinvested, it will eventually be spent. It has been said by many that paying a tithe has yielded them great benefits, if this were true this would be our means of reinvestment, and if done constantly it would be continuously compounding interest the rate of growth that is fastest. So why then should we study, go to church and possibly even serve on a mission? Because God is not only interested in increasing our pocketbooks he is interested in expanding our lives. Daily prayer, and readings of the sacred books are a daily tithe of our time and talents, Church is the weekly tithe we pay, and a mission should it so be chosen is a tithe of the premium portion of our lives. All of which will require thought not of your self, opting not to spend now in favor of more later. All are a choice, but all will yield bounteous returns.)

Honor thy Mother and Father. Is that why God Himself took the Sabath? To honor his own parents? Did an omnipotent God really need a Sabath? An infinitely powerful God, is different than an all powerful God, yet both are still Devine. Did God need the rest or was it for our benefit? These are the things I wonder. Unfortunately even my equations offer no advice upon the matter. However, they do yield insight into why we must honor our mother's and fathers. It is there I will start next time.

1 comment:

Ki said...

Interesting thoughts.

Random note-- the Church teaches that we CAN become Gods. It requires both qualifications and a desire to be one.