Monday, October 01, 2007

Equations of the Universe part 2

{Note to reader: you should probably read part 1 before reading part two, though it is not essential. Part one is below this one.}
So my latest pondering when something like this: "What is the means to salvation? Is it by faith, or is it by works?" I know, I know there are oodles and oodles of scripture on the matter, but I wanted to test it empirically. Faith and salvation are a little tricky to define, but work--physicists got that one covered. Its absurd but we'll start with the physics definition of work. Work (w) is Force (f) times Distance (d). According to Newton Force is f=ma where f has already been defined m is mass and a is acceleration, but thanks to Einstein and his e=mc^2, we can rewrite force as f= (E/C^2) a where C is the speed of light. Now a is the acceleration, which is the change in velocity over time. But acceleration, as an example, in the case of a circle, can also be the change in course over time and the change in time is time. We will call this dK/T where T is time and dK is our change in Kourse (I would have used C, but that was taken by light already so K = course (Clearly it must be the German spelling)). Thus force is (EdK/C^2T). But remember it is not force we are interested in. It is works. And while we are here let us also remember as Einstein suggests that space and time are one thus d=T. Which replaced into our earlier equation leaves us w= (EdK/C^2T)*T (I will leave the T in the equation even though it cancels as it will be important later.) But remember we are interested in the "good works" so we will need some additional definitions a little closer to what we are seeking. E is our total energy and is the sum of our energy devoted to works (E(w)), thoughts (E(t)) and deeds (E(d)) . Thus E = E(w) + E(t)+E(d). Let us also consider what does it mean for us to change our course spiritually. What does dK/T mean? It means we must over come something. We must change something about ourselves. Notice that it is over time. That means it matters little if our change is only temporary it must be long term. It is this term that explains sin and Satan in our equation, for as we see if dK/t= if we never had to over come anything nor change anything about ourselves, if we were perfect from the start absent of free will a zero is thrown into the equation which in a few moments we will see will have disasterous consequences. So what does it mean to do good works? w = [((E(w)+E(t)+E(d))*dK] T/ [c^2T] Thus the net total of our good works is equal to the sum of the energy we have spent on works, thoughts, and deeds of a spiritual nature. This is multiplied by how much we have overcome, how much we have changed and grown over our lifetime divided by a very large constant--keep this constant in mind it will become important shortly. Using what we have derived in the last post the impact (I) = Quality * Quantity. Ah but what is our impact? Our impact is salvation (s). How do we measure the quality of faith? I would suggest there are two terms to this equation F(G) faith in God and F(s) faith in the son. Now at this point I would like to point out a few things. In every depiction of either Christ or the father there are always halos of light. In every description and encounter with them they are often described as being wrapped in or coming down from or emitting pillars of light. God is also described as being omnipresent. Omnipresent means he is in all places at all times. The only way you can do this is if you can stop time. the only way you can stop time is to travel at the speed of light, C (look to Einstein for the proof of that one.) But, since God, the father and the son are 1 in purpose, and 1 is the son of the other (you know which is which) might that not also suggest that F(s) = C as well? If we assume it does and use this term as a measure of the quality of our faith and use our works as the quantity then we have an expression relating most of what we know about religion. s = F(G)*F(S)*[((E(w)+E(t)+E(d))*dK] T/ [c^2T]. Thus, if I am right, our degree of salvation is equal to our faith in God, multiplied by our faith in his son times the sum of our energy devoted to their works, thoughts, and deeds. We must over come sin (at least 1) The T term remains because it is multiplied by the length of our lives notice that the Ts cancel, thus it does not matter if our life is long or if it is short, but the T on top must equal the T on bottom. We cannot cut our life short lestwise they will not cancel i.e. you are perfectly allowed to commit suicide but you are cutting short your life equation. Notice also that if either faith in God or faith in Christ is absent 0* anything =0 "first among these is to love thy god and to love thy neighbor" "The first article of faith is faith is Jesus Christ" they are also the first terms in our equation. They are also linear not regulated by constants as our other terms are. Notice also that individually we could forgo works, thoughts or deed so long as we did not have none of them yet the more of them we have the greater is our reward. Notice also that all of our works, thoughts and deeds are divided by C^2 = 1/8.9875517877x10^16 which accounts for 0.0000000000000000111265005605th of our end result. So, if you think you can get to heaven by works alone you had better get started. But remember even a small faith in God the Father and Christ the son yields bounteous rewards, in fact remember earlier where we postulated that both F(s) and F(G) =C this means that if you live a full life and if you have full faith in both of them the equation is simplified to s= C*C *[((E(w)+E(t)+E(d))*dK] T/ [c^2T] where the Ts cancel as do the Cs leaving us only [((E(w)+E(t)+E(d))*dK] the energy we have invested in others and the things we have overcome. Thus if you have faith the only thing that matters is how you treat other people and what you have made of your self. Good luck! Godspeed. Keep believin' and get cracking on them works.


Syhalla said...

Arguments aside, I'm confused as to the difference between works and deeds.

Boom said...

Then combine them. They are a summation anyway. But the part I want to hear are the arguments, especially the asides.